Made me laugh:
Re:I don't trust him (Score:3, Funny)
Seriously though, even if RotS is every bit as dark and well-written (and freakin' well-acted please!) as one could hope, am I the only one who is beyond giving a damn?
Looking at the last 2 from Lucas, it would be like having a 3-course meal where the final dish was fantastic but the first 2 gave you projectile-vomiting food poisoning. No real way to salvage the meal.
If I do see it, it'll be the DVD rental. A $5 rental for the entire family is all I'm willing to risk.
Re:I don't trust him (Score:5, Funny)
I'm on the verge of not downloading it... after the Phantom Plot, and Attack of the Cloned Wooden Actors, there's no faint spark of hope that RotS won't suck donkey balls. Expect a total letdown. Jar Jar? Check. Hayden Cristensen? Check. Cartoon Yoda? Check. Yup, it's gonna suck. I pity tha fools.
Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
| Made me laugh: | | | Re:I don't trust him (Score:3, Funny) | | Seriously though, even if RotS is every bit as dark and well-written | (and freakin' well-acted please!) as one could hope, am I the only one | who is beyond giving a damn? | | Looking at the last 2 from Lucas, it would be like having a 3-course | meal where the final dish was fantastic but the first 2 gave you | projectile-vomiting food poisoning. No real way to salvage the meal. | | If I do see it, it'll be the DVD rental. A $5 rental for the entire | family is all I'm willing to risk. | | | Re:I don't trust him (Score:5, Funny) | | I'm on the verge of not downloading it... after the Phantom Plot, | and Attack of the Cloned Wooden Actors, there's no faint spark of hope | that RotS won't suck donkey balls. | Expect a total letdown. | Jar Jar? Check. | Hayden Cristensen? Check. | Cartoon Yoda? Check. | Yup, it's gonna suck. I pity tha fools.
Saddly, my fast-food promo tie-in rating scale (based on which chain picks up the film) indicates RotS is going to suck:
McDonalds - Film is worth seeing Burger King - Film is "grade B" or worse... Taco Bell - Film is best for those who enjoy self-inflicted pain (remember "Congo"?!?)
I'll probably still go see it, though... :)
- -- Charles Steinkuehler