I'm all set to man the booth, but I don't have an ITEC Exhibitor username/password to register myself for an Exhibitor badge. I'm hoping that there's no cutoff date for registering as an Exhibitor, since this coming Wednesday is the start of ITEC.
I was hoping I could do better but my current demo machine is a 1Ghz system with 512MB RAM. Not bad for some things but probably not a Beryl/Compiz machine.
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On 11/3/07, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
Depending on your GPU and your use of a decent driver it might work. I've run Beryl on a P3 933 and a GF2 MX200 32MB card, using the nVidia binary drivers.
--- Jon Pruente jdpruente@gmail.com wrote:
Right now the GPU is the onboard video, and I don't recall Ubuntu mentioning the proprietary nVidia drivers during the install. I'll have to see if I can find a decent nVidia PCI card for it in the next couple of days.
Nice little "pizza box" computer though. It has built-in sound which Ubuntu recognized, and its internal speaker is more like external speakers than the old-time tinny beeper.
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We have a booth, but ITEC has been slow at getting me the info. I've been contacting them every other day, but they haven't given us the Exhibitor code or booth number, yet. I should have it this week. Regular members can use the code KCLUG07 to get a free pass.