--- Gerald Combs wrote:
Jack wrote:
Well just because it is done on purpose, and I suspected it was. Does not make it not a bug. I still consider it a bug. Here's my reasoning, if a program does an interpretation of the user input that the user might not have intended then ... it might be a bug. If a program behaves in an irrational way to input then ... it might be a bug. If a program fills in missing information then ... it might be a bug.
It's certainly a nice little l33t trick for those in the know to use for short-cutting, etc. But, it's still is translating what might have been an accidental <CR>. I might want to ping, but if my hand slips and I hit return after 12.1 or 12.1.0 then I wind up pinging the wrong address ( or But even bugs have uses, whether they are intentional or not. ;')
Thanks for the trivia, Gerald.
Brian D.
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On Wed, May 4, 2005 8:57 am, Jack said:
Oh horrors! You could end up pinging the wrong address if your hand slipped! It could be almost as bad as if you slipped and entered the wrong address!
I suggest that you immediately recode all of the effected programs, and issue an official RFC regarding this terrible danger.
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