As for moniters, Whatever I found that I could use, I would. Like the websites of case modders who have done this before me, items like "parts laptops" that include old p1's or better, or other options I have available to me. Since I have generally been called a pessimist, and doubt the comon sense or good nature of most of my fellow man (experience), The box would heavily be marked Network diagnostics toolkit, before going on a plane, as they Would think it a bomb. Though it was probably stupid stuff like this that allowed 3 people I know on 3 seperate occasions to get on a plane and complete their trips with a knife in their pocket; 2 of them went to D.C..
From experience good intentions go down as power goes up and comon sense is the ultimate oxymoron!
Leave some extra time for when they pull you out of line and have to wait on a supervisor's approval to let you on. Laptop carriers sometimes are asked to turn them on to verify that they are a working computer. What will you do if they ask you to do this and you have no monitor? Good Luck and you may want to call ahead. Can you imagine that a bunch of PC parts in a cheap toolbox might look vaguely like a bomb to someone that doesn't know better?
Brian Kelsay
djgoku 01/24/05 04:11PM >>>
Will airport security let my homemade computer on the plane?
You should be alright as long as it can pass through an xray. Laptops usually have to be taken out of the carrying case and placed in a seperate bin. I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't let you get through they might ask you to open it.
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