I've looked some into this issue, especially something that would handle my families email and calendar needs. I focused on groupmail, and there are several that you may want to look at. I focused on Scalix, Citadel and Zimbra (wikipedia them all for more info). They were all pretty nice, and IIRC, Zimbra has a VMWare option, and Scalix has a LiveCd option.
On 3/18/08, Jonathan Hutchins hutchins@tarcanfel.org wrote:
On Tue, March 18, 2008 08:26, Oren Beck wrote:
Simple in concept. Is there a Linux based webmail server not needing Guru support?
Most of the hackish folk in this group are capable of handling a basic mail server setup. Grab a good howto and the default install for your distro. Postfix or Sendmail are complex and opaque to tune, but most distros provide a good starting point.
You can configure either through webmin, so if your main objection is to command line operations that's an option.
Webmin will also handle squirrelmail setup.
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