On Tuesday 09 September 2008 16:31:30 you wrote:
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Luke -Jr luke@dashjr.org wrote:
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 14:53:10 you wrote:
I think you need to define what you mean by HTML. http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/tagpages/b/blink.htm
It doesn't work that way. HTML is well-defined: http://www.w3.org/html/
Ah, so you DID mean the HTML standard and not HTML in general.
The only "HTML" is "the HTML standard". There is no other "HTML".
If your site doesn't work in a user's browser, they're not going to say "Hey Safari, fix your browser" they're going to say "Hey web designer, fix your site."
Funny, most of the time it's the opposite.
Also, I repeat that in the current HTML standard (4.1), there is no such thing as a video tag. You are referring to a tag that's defined in the HTML5.0 draft.
No, I'm referring to the <object> tag.
So yes, Konquerer may play it how you want it to (using a proprietary pluging),
MPlayer Plugin is not proprietary.
Under the HTML 4.1 standard the only way to embed video is by using the object tag. Part of the object tag is the type attribute. This type determines what plugin is used to play the media.
The type is used to determine IF a plugin is needed by SOME browsers, perhaps, yes, but the type itself does NOT designate a plugin. The MIME type describes the content. Handling that content is the browser's job.