Anticipate pain with the 550M. It will work eventually but you'll likely need to run a beta release of a distro to even get working 2D support.
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:51, Jim Herrmann wrote:
Based on this comment, and Christofer's comment, now I'm back to the ASUS. I can get it from Micro Center, shrink the Windows partition, see how the Linux install goes, and if it doesn't go well, return it. All with no shipping hassles. Sounds like a plan.
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Jason D. Clinton me@jasonclinton.comwrote:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 10:45, Jim Herrmann wrote:
Shit. None of this is easy. The ASUS looks like almost the same machine for $250 less.
Although the System76 has the matte finish and Li-Polymer battery.
All laptop batteries are the same, chemically. We're still a ways off from new kinds of LiIon technologies. There's really only a handful of lithium cell makers in the world of consumer electronics. The only deviations are in their shapes.
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