On 9/29/07, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
Hmmm. If the system requirement for Beryl is that close to the system requirement for Aero, then that might defeat the entire purpose of having Beryl at ITEC.
A GF2 card should function ok. Beryl should do well on a full GF3 or 4 or better card. My personal examples were with the GeForce derived & budget oriented OEM MX-series cards. Like I posted, a non-MX nVidia should do Beryl fine. My GF2 MX200 card is an old slow 32MB 64-bit wide SDR setup. Plainly, it sucks. The GF4 MX 440 is roughly on par with the 2 generations-previous GF2 Ti chips. My point of it was that even the wide spread of CPU power between a mid-end P3 (933MHz) and a decent P4 (2.8 Ghz HT) still didn't make up for having an anemic video card.