On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, Luke-Jr wrote:
They also only manage your DNS if you use their DNS servers *only* (minor issue, and may have changed, etc).
Now, this one I don't understand. How can anybody manage your DNS on someone else's server? They direct dns queries to whatever hosts you designate, and that's it. That's all anybody can do.
Most who register domains also include usage of their DNS servers. In some cases, you could use those as backup DNS in case your primaries go down.
That much I do understand. However, I run bind 8.4.6 on three different servers, and nobody can edit the master zone files from some random website. Why would this be desirable?
Now, to host slave DNS servers for a domain might be worthwhile...
I appreciate your feedback, thanks for replying. Competence and price are my two primary requisites, godaddy still looks good on those counts.
Most registrars are fine on those counts.
Well, the whole point of this exercise is that I have been using registerfly, and they have proven, through my own personal experience, not to be. I only control 14 domains currently, but it does mean that I'd much rather have a competent registrar than try to explain to commercial clents why their domain got screwed up. In a business where a great deal of the infrastructure is poorly understood by most users, explantions of another's incompetence don't go over too well.
Linux is anything but immoral...
Microsoft shills were floating a premise a few years back that Linux and the GPL were immoral because they stole the intellectual property of others.
I do agree that it's not much of an argument.