Quoting "D. Hageman" dhageman@dracken.com:
I am looking at doing something like this at work this summer
Sounds like you're about where I'm at then. I've got five aging Solaris boxes to replace and 14 current systems running RHELAS and they are mostly bored. Rather than replacing the five Sun boxes with five new machines, I'm considering purchasing a SAN and all the trimmings to use Red Hat Clustering Suite with a subset of my existing current hardware.
I've read the rather lengthy and detailed clustering doc from RH and some white papers here and there, but seeing this in action somewhere and being able to chat with someone who's done it would be a big help.
I'm supposed to have a proposal together by May 15. If we end up going down this path (I hope we do), I'll let you know how it goes.
-- Dave Hull http://insipid.com