On 10/3/07, Justin Dugger jldugger@gmail.com wrote:
I've been working with Ubuntu 7.10 recently and compiz-fusion is far better than Beryl as represented in 7.04. The Fire plugin no longer crashes things, and the organization of plugin packages is smarter, with a hierarchy of quality and reliability. them. ... Compiz is great for a technology preview, and highly impressive to bystanders and people sitting behind you in class / meetings, but I think if Ubuntu really wants to deploy compiz by default, someone needs to step up and pay attention to those details. The Technical Board takes the opposite viewpoint, that until they ship by default nobody will pay attention to details large or small, and I guess that's the definition of a community distribution.
I just "discovered" a nice feature in 7.10. Hove the mouse over any window, hold Alt and scroll the mouse wheel - the window will shift to varying levels of transparancy. This is actually a useful productivity feature, as you don't have to change window focus to do it. It even works on the panels.