--- "Monty J. Harder" lists@kc.rr.com wrote:
Are we definitely going to have Knoppix CDs again?
Any coordination at all here, or do we live up to our name as a non-organization?
In a sort-of manic fit last night I did up 25 KNOPPIX CDs and 50 DamnSmallLinux CDs with labels. The label is my own invention incorporating the KCLUG logo and the KCLUG website URL, loosely based on a KNOPPIX CD label from the Phoenix LUG.
I figure I'll drop them off at ITEC today in case you start running low on the other, slightly more professional-looking CDs. The DamnSmallLinux CDs I did up just in case you run into some other folks who have lower-end PCs who might bring up that point as a reason they "can't try Linux". The DamnSmallLinux bootable CD runs in PCs as low-end as 486s, and thats running a GUI.
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