--- Justin Dugger jldugger@gmail.com wrote:
Anyways, I've probably written enough to persuade all involved to simply ignore the thread, when the simple goal of the thread was to discuss 3d games. I think everyone here should give crack-attack a shot, even if all they've got is a TNT2 (it ran fine on mine last year). Even if you suffer from motion sickness, this game shouldn't affect you.
I play crack-attack on a dual PII-450Mhz with a RADEON 7500 with 32MB RAM. The GPU is just fine but the CPU prevents the game from being played in its primary format. So here's another reason why crack-attack is good: crack-attack downgrades gracefully with the "--low" option. This makes the blocks a little less 3D but improves game performance on lower-end machines.
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