--- csappenfield wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: Jack quiet_celt@yahoo.com Date: Sunday, June 12, 2005 9:51 am Subject: Re: Somewhat OT: copyright question
Please tell us which case of the hundreds in this FAQ is the one you are referring to. It's hard to argue the validity of your argument that
copyright infringement is prosecutable without
the basis of your argument. While it is true that
can unintentionally infringe on copyright, there
also a "safe harbor" provision in the US Copyright
that holds people harmless under certain
Please refer to the following site for information about why and how content providers are or are not liable for copyright infringement.
That might look like it deals specifically with ISPs, but sec 512 of the DMCA covers all "online service providers", not just ISPs. If you run a mailing list, you are an online service provider, and the DMCA is your friend. Or, at least, the enemy of your enemy.
That was exactly my point.
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