--- Jack quiet_celt@yahoo.com wrote:
Can you be more specific? Which kernel do you have on the old distro? If your kernel is old enough it's probably easier to download a new kernel, rather than all the patches.
To install a new kernel:
- download the kernel you want and save it in
/usr/src 2) extract the kernel there 3) go into the newly created kernel directory 4) follow the instruction in the README file to compile and install the new kernel. a)These steps are roughly: i) make xconfig, ii) make iii) make modules iv) make modules_install v) make install vi) copy new kernel to /boot directory vii) add line in your bootloader to load the new kernel
I recommend doing the makes up to and including make modules as a regular user. The installs need to be done as root.
Let me know if you need me to be more detailed. ;')
Brian JD
Hi Brian, I have knoppix 3.9 (kernel 2.6.11). I want to change it to the newer one (2.6.12-5). I have download kernel file. Do I have to remove older kernel first and then do install as you tell me above? Thanks.. Regards.
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