On 1/5/06, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
--- Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
You might be able to get most of (if not all of) a spare computer from them for free. The computer might even be from someone in your area (my wife is a member of the Greater Kansas City Freecycle community).
One word of warning: to get something free you have to join the group. To join the group you have to give away something for free (whomever wants it must come and pick it up). This doesn't have to be anything expensive: some people give away "misc box of stuff", though they have to tell you what is in it.
Ha ha ha ha ha I am such a geek, I presumed that "freecycle" had to do with processor cycles, and it was a community clustering project the likes of which I have long dreamed --- after reading further in the discussion I realized that freecycle is a pun on recycle.