On Jan 17, 2008 4:14 AM, Luke -Jr luke@dashjr.org wrote:
It showed up because it's now because January 19, 2008 is Saturday and things like 30 year mortgage calculation may start to fail next week.
Interesting. I, at least, didn't even consider that.
Of course not. It's far easier to over-hype these issues like Y2K was, or over-react the other way, than to think things through completely. Just as 640K was big enough for anybody, and YY was good enough for programs written decades ago, a shell script I wrote one winter to do date math (on Unix systems without GNU date) worked fine until it got to the end of July and tried to add days to get to the month "08", whereupon it triggered a subtle bug; it was being treated as octal due to the leading 0, and of course 8 and 9 are not valid octal digits.
If there are programs using 32-bit signed integers to do date math 30 years in the future, they may suddenly find themselves broken horribly, showing a date in December 1901 rather than 2038.