I use HPs, but then there is the $10-$50 MS tax there. HP is not real Linux support friendly. I have an older HP and a newer dv7. I also have an older entry range Acer. All run fine under Linux and everything has always worked out of the box, except for the security thumbprint reader on my dv7. Have not tested the built-in cameras. I just wipe Windows from the machines and install Linux.

My dv7 is hefty with a extended 12 cell battery (still only about 2-3 hours) and 17.3" screen and hefty video card.

My recommendation is to find a laptop with a good battery life and the specs you want, and of course boycott Sony machines. HP has been good to me, but I know others how have nightmare tales. Probably applies to any manufacturer. The best laptop is the one built by a respectable company that meets your needs, and don't worry so much about the MS tax. Much as I hate it, it's a minor cost to any system you buy.

You can always copy it off onto a DVD and sell it on EBay, if you're brave enough, making sure to include the Windows sticker attached to the laptop (ps I know EBay won't allow that so don't flame me about how that's impossible).


--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Jim Herrmann <kclug@itdepends.com> wrote:

From: Jim Herrmann <kclug@itdepends.com>
Subject: Buying a New Laptop
To: kclug@kclug.org
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 5:49 AM

I'm buying a new laptop really soon.  What do the members of KCLUG recommend for a Linux only laptop.  Pre-installed or no OS is fine with me, I just don't want to pay for something I'm never going to use.  I'm willing to spend in the neighborhood of a grand, give or take a few hundred.  So, I want a fairly nice machine, light weight for travel, but durable and reliable.  And, it goes without saying, Linux friendly.  You guys are super resourceful, so I wanted to tap into the vast knowledge base on this list.

Thanks in advance for your input.

Jim Herrmann

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