--- On Sun, 9/7/08, Geoffrion, Ron P [IT] Ron.Geoffrion@sprint.com wrote:
Pick one small enough to put extras on - like songs/videos/artwork/etc - eg. free cultural artifacts.
It may interest the folks who don't use Ubuntu that Ubuntu has an "Examples" directory of multimedia files on the LiveCD, a directory which is copied onto the hard drive during a system install, and each new user account created on a new system gets a softlink to the central "Examples" directory (all files marked "read-only").
Of note is the audio book of the Aesops Fable, which was created by the LibriVox project (created August 2005). LibriVox (http://librivox.org/) is trying to convert all of the Project Gutenberg books, and a few others, into human-read CC-Public-Domain-Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/) audio books. Project Gutenberg has essentially dropped its pursuit of computer-read audio books (as many had multiple errors and/or were missing huge chunks of the text) and is relying on the volunteers at LibriVox to provide public domain audio books.
The contents of the (current v8.04) Ubuntu "Examples" directory are as follows:
======================================== oo-about-these-files.odt -- An OpenOffice.org Document file explaining the contents of the Examples folder.
Experience ubuntu.ogg -- Video (Ogg format. Theora video codec, Vorbis audio codec) of the former South African president Nelson Mandela explaining the concept of 'ubuntu'.
fables_01_01_aesop.spx -- an Aesop Fable, read into a speech file by the LibriVox project.
gimp-ubuntu-splash.xcf -- A small example GIMP image file using 16 separate layers.
kubuntu-leaflet.png -- A leaflet explaining Kubuntu logo-Edubuntu.png -- Edubuntu Logo in PNG graphics format logo-Kubuntu.png -- Kubuntu Logo in PNG graphics format logo-Ubuntu.png -- Ubuntu Logo in PNG graphics format
oo-welcome.odt -- OpenOffice.org Document file containing a "Welcome to Ubuntu" message, incorporating text and graphics.
oo-about-ubuntu-ru.rtf -- OpenOffice.org example file for showing how OOo can read RichText files.
oo-cd-cover.odg -- OpenOffice.org example of CD Cover for Ubuntu CDs/DVDs
oo-derivatives.doc -- OpenOffice.org example file for showing how OOo can read Microsoft Office Document files.
oo-maxwell.odt -- OpenOffice.org example of a file incorporating OOo's Math Function capabilities.
oo-payment-schedule.ods -- OpenOffice.org example Spreadsheet file.
oo-presenting-kubuntu.odp -- OpenOffice.org example Presentation file.
oo-presenting-ubuntu.odp -- OpenOffice.org example Presentation file.
oo-trig.xls -- OpenOffice.org example file for showing how OOo can read Microsoft Excel files.
ubuntu Sax.ogg -- a Music track in Ogg/Vorbis format by Eddie Boyd, Johann Kotze and John Pringle from Cape Town, SA. The track is released under a Creative Commons license2. ========================================