Well, after reading several articles on the subject it seems clear the jury really had no choice but to find him guilty. It seems he stopped telling people it wasn't legal tender and even put out his coins as "new $10 gold pieces". Making metal coinage is against the law, and has always been. He was probably OK with the paper money, backed by commodity. Got to be careful, there's an awful lot of laws out there.
I doubt bitcoins is in the same market, but that is not to say the Fed will not be threatened by them. In fact, you could make plastic coins and be perfectly fine with the US laws. To a degree. It's all about boundaries.
Although, I'd probably opt for a plastic loadable barter card, with a home reader.
I do remember hearing about the bitcoins sometime back (probably on /.).
Not surprised on the FBI bit. They seem to be going back to the behavior in the good ol' 50s and 60s.
--- On Sat, 4/16/11, David Nicol davidnicol@gmail.com wrote:
From: David Nicol Subject: Re: [ArchChat] anyone else heard of bitcoins? To: "Monty J. Harder" Cc: ccckc@googlegroups.com, "KCLUG" kclug@kclug.org Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 3:22 PM having googled for liberty dollar, I found that NotHaus was convicted by a jury about a month ago. That's distressing.
Proud claims from the FBI that they will continue infiltration efforts to protect our democracy are also distressing.