Knoppix 4.0 is due to be released. I checked yesterday and it was not on the mirrors in the US yet. We could also do some damnsmalllinux and Mepis disks. I have at least 2 PCs that can burn at home. Tell me your pleasure.
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. ---Occam
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Bier Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:33 PM To: KCLUG (E-mail) Subject: Re: Fwd: ITEC Oct 26-27 Overland Park Convention Center
Luke-Jr wrote:
I have several Ubuntu CD's I can donate to the cause. I asked them to only send me one, but they ended up sending me 10-15; I didn't count exactly.
I also have Ubuntu CD packets-- about 10 of each of PowerPC, x86, and x86_64... let me know if there's expectation of needing them
We generally hand out a few hundred Live CDs that we burn. Feel free to donate any current Live CDs. In the past, we've handed out Knoppix and the win32 Open Software CD.