On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Jason D. Clinton me@jasonclinton.comwrote:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:30, Christofer C. Bell < christofer.c.bell@gmail.com> wrote:
The only vendor I'm aware of that still offers them is Apple, hence why I only use Apple laptops (and would even were I running Windows or Linux exclusively).
Except that, if this is going to be a *Linux* laptop you'd be dealing with Alps pointing device, NVidia+Intel hybrid graphics and Broadcom wireless. Why put yourself through that kind of driver pain when laptops with equal design and 1st-class supported hardware are readily available for 20% less?
While there may or may not be better supported hardware from a driver perspective in other laptops, the design and construction of PC laptops compared to Macs is embarrassing. I can only assume the reason people continue to buy such garbage is that there are simply no alternatives available. Even Lenovo machines are awful these days (based on the selection at MicroCenter).