I think you need to define what you mean by HTML. http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/tagpages/b/blink.htm
It has in fact been supported by Netscape, it was supported in IE4 (and I believe phased out after that). It is part of the css1 standard (text-decoration: blink). It has never been part of the HTML standard; however, as part of the CSS2.1 standard it is required to be recognized by browsers - they have the option of whether or not they should actually blink the text, but they must display the text and apply css modifiers to it.
So it IS a part of a web-standard. And by the definition of the acronymn, it is valid HTML. It never was a widely accepted/supported tag, and it is not defined in the w3 HTML standard. But it is valid XML/valid HTML =)
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Luke -Jr luke@dashjr.org wrote:
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 14:12:38 Nathan Cerny wrote:
I think he meant the <blink> </blink> tags :)
Those have never been part of HTML either.