On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Justin Dugger jldugger@gmail.com wrote:
I'm sure you've heard of these things we call "replies". A post is written in response to another poster's message, providing context and an intended audience. In such cases, "you" is directed towards the other poster. This "you" would be Tom Bruno, a Neuros Developer and Manager, and subscriber to KCLUG.
Ah. I see a post, in opposition to a direct message, as being broadcast, and stand by my misinterpretation of Justin's "you" as directed to the list in general as reasonable.
Neuros (http://www.neurostechnology.com/) produces a number of embedded Linux devices. Tom's even promoted a small political cause about DRM, which benefits both Neuros and Linux in general: http://open.neurostechnology.com/content/unlocked-media . The question is, why has he chosen to ignore the KCLUG mailing list, except to egg on mailing list flamewars?
I disagree that "why does Tom Bruno choose to egg on flamewars" is the question; I think selecting that as the question is an example of the problem.
It would be nice to see the Tom Brunos of the list give us all notice when they do, or publish, something noteworthy, yes. Such a heads-up would be signal and not noise. Even for something minor such as a well-considered blog entry. I would like to see notices of press releases on the KCLUG list and I very much doubt I represent a minority in that preference.
The discussion of the very nicely done "unlocked" logo announcement includes
Can we use the unlocked logos on our pages or store offering mp3 downloads?
21 December, 2007 - 1:02am — Joe mp3 downloads
you certainly can and should, please send us a link so we can help promote!