Joe, Since you were asking about desktop Linux, and the system administrators on the list veered off into server land, let me bring this conversation back to your original question. You said you wanted to install a desktop and wanted the most commonly used Linux version. If you look at the vendors that are selling retail desktops, to consumers, they are using Ubuntu. If you are looking for the more common business desktop, then use Windows, because businesses don't install Linux on their desktops, well damn few anyway. Only smaller, smarter companies, do that. The big boys are all stuck with Windows XP because it's too damn hard to change out 10,000 desktops of people who need a three day class just to learn how to run M$-Word. I'm sure that some companies, more in Europe no doubt, are switching to Red Hat and SuSE desktops, but if you want the most commonly used *consumer* desktop, download Ubuntu here:
I hope that actually answers your question and tip toes around the holy war that still rages within the Linux community. ;-)
HTH, Jim
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Joe Cho wrote:
I would like to install a Linux to my desktop. Could you advise a most commonly used Linux version? for example: Redhat, Debian, etc.
and where can I download?
Thanks in advance.
-- Joe Cho
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