an email from from "Quincy Wofford", 2:55 PM (9 hours ago) Hello
I am a deployment specialist for the headquarters of a medical training college based in Mission, Kansas and I am interested in participating in KCLUG. I have little experience with Linux in general. I have installed and configured Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, and I have completely failed an install of Gentoo. I can use Linux command line for simple tasks, but I want to dig into the guts of Linux and take advantage of features I simply can't get in Windows. I have ZERO knowledge of the C programming language, but I do have interest in learning how the kernel works. I would like to attend the June 3rd meeting, but unfortunately I need to work on-site during that time...
Could you tell me more about KCLUG activities? I've tried looking into some audio files and gallery photos but everything seems to be unavailable at the moment. What takes place at a DemoDay vs an Installfest? I hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks, Quincy Wofford (816) 797-5791