I did some poking around over the weekend and discovered /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
In this file I discovered essentially the same video display text I remembered from editing XFree86 config files. As root I backed up the original xorg.conf, then edited all the "Mode" lines in xorg.conf to only have "1024x768" and "800x600" in them, keeping 800x600 just as a backup alternative. "1024x768" is set as the default for all color depths.
Now not only does the regular desktop stay at 1024x768, the graphical login screen has also become 1024x768.
It wasn't the Ubuntu "the end user is always an idiot" philosophy, but it worked.
--- Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10. Now the screen resolution is stuck at 1600x1200. My monitor is straining to do this resolution and the screen is all bendy.
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