Can you play older games like Quake 1,2,3, Unreal 2004, Half-Life, Freeciv on the Intel?
-----Original Message----- From: Justin Dugger Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 4:39 AM
Intel's graphic chips are not going to cut it on games. They're okay for older stuff and gee whiz 3d desktop effects, but don't expect anything close to nvidia / amd performance at texture and geometry intensive games. The open drivers are nice, certainly. But I promise you, the cost of a gaming rig and a tablet is less than the cost of a gaming rig tablet.
Justin Dugger
On Jan 31, 2008 4:29 PM, Jason D. Clinton wrote:
In all seriousness, Intel's graphics chips have an excellent driver available for them (the new "intel" driver as opposed to the older
that can even do a subset of accelerated 3D rendering with some
nicety. They
also have the advantage of being low-power. One of the really awesome
about using an Intel graphics chip on a laptop is the xrandr 1.2
which pretty much guarantees that you'll be able to plug your laptop
in to a
projector and have it "just work".