--- Brian Kelsay Brian.Kelsay@kcc.usda.gov wrote:
Good luck w/ that one. Get ready to convert everything to base 16 or was it 20 or some other strage figure. I do recall it has something to do w/ the solar cycles and that it abruptly ends at some point ...
Nothing as simple as using one base. It works on cycles 7,13,20 and as far as I know no one is quite sure when it ends. There are multiple points where it could end. One being in 2012. However it could also extend a lot further. I don't have my sources handy so can't be sure of all my numbers.
And as far as not knowing how to deal with problems. Simply because someone hasn't had a problem and is oblivious to them doesn't mean a person is clueless about possible problems. Like not setting the proper timezone or running ntpdate first and reading the man pages and howtos before setting up an ntpd daemon.
Brian D.
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