On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Jim Herrmann kclug@itdepends.com wrote:
I got my daughter a Wacom Bamboo tablet for Christmas. It works, and we figured out how to get pressure sensitivity working in GIMP, so it's fairly useful. However, the eraser doesn't seem to work, and there are also extra buttons on the Bamboo that don't seem to do anything in linux. The configuration information on the intertubes seems to be obsolete, like 2005ish. X is no longer configured with etc/X11/xorg.conf apparently. This is on Ubuntu 8.10.
Does anyone have a Bamboo tablet and have everything working? I'd appreciate any input.
Thanks, Jim
I don't have a Bamboo but I do have a similar device built into my laptop, and follow wacom in Ubuntu.
The trouble is that that the current Xorg method does not allow one detected device to configure more than one input / output. Hence, the lack of an eraser. The solution is to set up an xorg.conf file anyways. It will be used if present. Our official documentation should be handy here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WacomTroubleshooting
For various reasons, we can't provide an xorg.conf for your device by default; chiefly, KDE absolutely HATES it when a device is listed in xorg.conf but not present. I have no idea why it cares, but it does.
Lemme know if this doesn't help! Justin Dugger