On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Christofer C. Bell < christofer.c.bell@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Jeffrey Watts jeffrey.w.watts@gmail.comwrote:
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Jack quiet_celt@yahoo.com wrote:
I'm not being dramatic, merely stating the facts. Feel free to point out which of my statements is not factual, and correct me if you find an error in anything I said. Please be specific and quote verifiable sources for your proofs.
My "source" for this opinion is my experience in working with Linux for sixteen years~
My source for Sun's opinion is the Tier 3 storage support engineer I was on the phone with trying to recover a failed Veritas volume on a Sun V880 a couple of years ago.
I should add that my source for SGI's opinion is the Tier 3 storage engineer I was on the phone with earlier this year (nice guy from Texas, can't remember his name, either) while I was troubleshooting a rather nasty failure in a TP9500 storage array attached to an SGI Origin 300 cluster of 2 nodes. The filesystem in this case is xfs under IRIX 6.5.
I'm sure Jeffrey will get a kick out of that one, too. :-P