On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Jason D. Clinton me@jasonclinton.comwrote:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 13:46, Christofer C. Bell < christofer.c.bell@gmail.com> wrote:
While there may or may not be better supported hardware from a driver perspective in other laptops, the design and construction of PC laptops compared to Macs is embarrassing. I can only assume the reason people continue to buy such garbage is that there are simply no alternatives available. Even Lenovo machines are awful these days (based on the selection at MicroCenter).
That's just not true. If you want *form*, there's the HP Envy 14. If you want *function*, there's Lenovo ThinkPad (but not IdeaPad). Both are cheaper.
Both are 16x9 which is painful to use. I don't have to care about cost so I get to buy the best. I don't have to settle for cheap plastic garbage PC laptops because they're less expensive. Every single appeal I've seen to the worth of the PC laptop centers on cost. I do not care about cost, at all. It is absolutely not a consideration when I am buying a machine.