--- David Nicol davidnicol@gmail.com wrote:
I enjoy the off-topic ranting. In fact I consider getting to read the off-topic ranting my payment for the occasional piece of useful advice I provide. Which is getting less and less often as I become progressively less of a young fart.
"Re: test" got a little OTT of the usual off-topic ranting on the kclug mailing list.
I enjoy reading most of the off-topic ranting as well, but usually the issues are less polarizing than religion or politics (though the on-topic "ndiswrapper" ranting got a little close to polarizing discussion).
I figure if the topic has pro and con protesters marching in the streets, it really has no business on the kclug mailing list.
I'm a little concerned about another Linux discussion group I moderate, which is with the Care2.com discussion website (lots of message forums, and a few Linux groups), where political propaganda has been used to justify Linux. While Linux idealism is one of the motivating forces behind encouraging people to switch over to Linux, it can get a little excessive.
(incidentally, if anyone wants to come on by, head to www.care2.com, set up an account, and join the "Linux for Newbies" Care2 group)
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