On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 4:12 AM, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
(sits back and waits for the inevitable "standards printers are a better choice than driver-based printers" comment from someone... ;-) )
Close. REAL printers are better than Winprinters. If all I want to print is monospaced text, I should be able to send the ASCII for that text to the printer. I'm even willing to prepend carriage returns to line feeds along the way, if the printer is configured that way (but I also want to be able to configure that on the printer itself). However, the idea that it's necessary to have a "driver" to paint the picture of that text with graphics primitives seems ridiculous. Computing devices ought to be ISO 646 compliant, without any fancy footwork on the other end of a communications channel.