My daughter's Edubuntu machine had some slight issues during the upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04.  It was alllllmost done with the upgrade (percentage in the upper 90s) when it locked up hard and all I could do was reset it.  I thought maybe I'd have to do the upgrade over but from that point on it has operated as a 10.04 machine.  That was early May.

Everything seems to work for the most part, although while booting up and shutting down, it has a text-based screen instead of the graphical one.  Also the sound has some real hiccups, at least during login, and it's been having some stone cold lockups lately, especially while doing lengthy network-intensive operations.

I could try to fix it as it stands, but at this point I'd rather do a fresh install.  I've got the Edubuntu 10.04 dvd on the desk, and /home is on its own partition, so the data there will survive and I'll just have to recreate the user accounts.

The thing I would like to do is get a list of the various pieces of software I've installed over and above the stock selection that ships with Edubuntu, so I can reduce the time spent redoing all that installation work.  Does anyone know of a good way to get the system to tell you a list of all the .debs you have installed beyond what it shipped with?


Kendric Beachey