I run linux on my Latitude E6500 (and it runs just as well on the E6510) and it works out of the box.
Those are well outside the $1000 budget that was first stated, but linux runs great on any and all the Dell laptops I've ever used. I only listed their ubuntu page because it's a linux offering.
I know that Dell also sells "no os" or freeDOS machines too but I didn't see any laptops on their site. You could always go through the Dell outlet and buy from there and the discount would put you under or near the $1000 mark.
Regardless, the Dell Latitude line work great as a linux laptop.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Jim Herrmann kclug@itdepends.com wrote:
That's great that they are doing that, but their Linux laptop offerings are lame. They offer a 10" and a 13". Woah. Don't get carried away with the option there. And it's Ubuntu 9.10. Great. 18 month old release that's not even an LTS release, so it's unsupported out of the box. 1GB of RAM, can't increase it.
And they wonder why no one buys them. Sheesh.
I appreciate that you've had good luck with them, and I'm sure their Windoze machines are just fine. Just no point in buying a Linux laptop from them.
Thanks, Jim
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Glenn Robuck techravingmad@gmail.comwrote:
http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&l=en&cs=19That's the Dell Ubuntu laptops.
We use Dells at work and we don't have any issues with 3rd party plugs. Even if there was a problem a replacement power brick ranges from $50-$120. We've used Dells for over 4 years and we've never had a power brick go bad. We've had users break them, but never go bad.
I use Dell every day and recommend them especially since the hardware is fully supported.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:49 AM, Jim Herrmann kclug@itdepends.comwrote:
I'm buying a new laptop really soon. What do the members of KCLUG recommend for a Linux only laptop. Pre-installed or no OS is fine with me, I just don't want to pay for something I'm never going to use. I'm willing to spend in the neighborhood of a grand, give or take a few hundred. So, I want a fairly nice machine, light weight for travel, but durable and reliable. And, it goes without saying, Linux friendly. You guys are super resourceful, so I wanted to tap into the vast knowledge base on this list.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Jim Herrmann
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