On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Jeffrey Watts jeffrey.w.watts@gmail.com wrote:
Yes, I'm sure they work some minimum wage jobs. I'm just pointing out that your comments are flimsy and smell of racism. My mother-in-law's sister is an American citizen and speaks very little English. So what?
When did I ever make a point of the racial origin of the people I described? I clearly recall never mentioning a race, but nationalities. I also never mentioned a specific language other than English. So, how am I a racist, or are you just troll baiting?
You offered as part of your "proof" that they were working two jobs. I pointed out that that isn't very unusual.
The fact that they are employed at all is a big enough issue, let alone being employed at more than one job. I was making a point about illegals working in multiple jobs "that Americans won't do" not about how the number of jobs defines a persons legal status. You came up with that on your own to deflect the issue.
I'm arguing that the bulk of the jobs done by illegal aliens are jobs that are in violation of labor laws.
Wow. We agree on something. Illegals are working illegally. Why has it taken this long to come to that point?
It's called "irony". And yes, while you used paragraphs, you obviously don't know when to properly use them, as your writing was hard to read and poorly formed. Making judgements about folks for poor English skills while writing poorly is ironic.
People who can't speak the local language while working amongst and for groups of people that do. Irony. Dividing my post into groups of topical sentences. Irony. I fail to see your point, though I see what you were trying to do. I am not writing for a professional basis here, yet the people I was describing were working in jobs that require interpersonal communication. I write for free here, thus my application of the formal rules of grammar and structure are not being followed to the point that I would if I were being fiscally compensated for it. I still fail to see your irony.
You obviously live in a different country than I do, sir. In my country milk and other basic foods have doubled in price, gasoline is through the roof, my house lost value, my neighbors have been foreclosed on, the deficit and debt are at historical highs, and inflation is the highest in almost thirty years.
Fuel costs aren't tied to the tax rate, but rather the value of the dollar (through equity adjustments) and market rates. Food costs have been historically low due to govt sponsored subsidies that prevented the market from raising prices in reaction to economic conditions. Now the prices go up and people scream bloody murder at the correction in prices that were artificially low. How is that related to the tax cuts?
Current foreclosure rates were rising, yes. In 2007 Missouri had a foreclosure rate of .91%. Now it's over 1%. How is that related to the tax cuts and and people working low income jobs? I work in an industry that involves real estate agents and home sales. Houses are still being bought and sold (just like they were back in the late 70's when interest rates were nearly quadruple what they are now), but it's mostly the people who took out loans that they shouldn't have qualified for that are having trouble. Loan interest rates are extremely low. How is that related to the previous discussion?
You still haven't answered what I asked: How did the tax cuts (that have brought more revenue to the treasury) ruined the economy and done anything to the war?
I guess in your country everything is peachy, all due to the excellent work of George Bush and co.
And how is that a part of the tax cuts? I'm not arguing good vs bad on Bush as a whole, but the tax cuts. Govt spending is the real bad issue right now. That's where the debt and deficit come from, read the facts.