anyone ever see the below? The process ends up needing a kill -9 and
then /etc/init.d/spamd start
Mar 15 17:12:26 cognition spamd[10348]: prefork: child states: IIB
Mar 15 17:12:30 cognition spamd[10348]: prefork: syswrite(6) failed,
retrying... at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/
line 554.
Mar 15 17:13:05 cognition last message repeated 7 times
Mar 15 17:14:10 cognition last message repeated 13 times
Mar 15 17:15:00 cognition last message repeated 10 times
Mar 15 17:15:…
[View More]05 cognition spamd[10348]: prefork: syswrite(6) failed,
retrying... at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/
line 554.
[View Less]
So the more important question to you was, can I trust a floppy
formatted to more than the standard 1.44MB? I say yes. I have done it.
I ran a firewall off one with Freesco for something like 2 years. If a
floppy isn't going to work in this mode, you find out real quick when
you try to format it and use rawwrite to put the .img file on it. I've
had success with a ton of floppies, just not the ones with the cheapy
plastic slider. Even some recycled AOL and Earthlink floppies made good
Linux …
[View More]boot floppies.
The other questions I think have been answered.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: On Behalf Of Leo Mauler
>Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:41 AM
>Ahhh, this kind of response is why I keep coming back here.
[View Less]
Hello fellow luggers,
I cannot say that I know you guys very much at all. I am aware that there
are both Christians and non Christians here. Those that claim not to be
Christians also claim to be very objective, which one cannot deny to be a
good thing.
With this in mind, I would like you all to give your opnion on this video
documentry that I have come across by chance. For all intents and purposes I
think it is safe to give this an MPAA Rating of at least R. But I assume
everyone on this …
[View More]list to be adults.
I am not attempting to start any flaming, I just feel that it is my duty to
pass this on to others:
Here is the link, the first is to the original link from which I got it, the
second is to a copy I made to my own site:
Thank you for your time
As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.
[View Less]
See email message below for upcoming SANS firewall training at the University
of MO - Columbia.
Jason Youngquist
From: unisog-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of Hough, Brandon D.
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:43 AM
To: unisog(a)
Subject: [unisog] LAST CHANCE! Upcoming IT Security/SANS Training
Only one week left to register for discounted SANS training! Reserve
your seat now!
Please forward this on to anyone in …
[View More]your organization who may be
involved in setting-up or maintaining network firewalls.
The Universities of the Big 12 and the SANS Institute
<> will be hosting the Higher-ed Information
Technology Security (HITS) 2006 <> conference
on the University of Missouri-Columbia <>
campus. The conference will be comprised of a 5-day course on Firewalls,
Perimeter Protection and VPNs with some additional topics related to IT
Security. Dates for the conference are May 21-25, 2006.
The SANS Firewalls, Perimeter Protection and VPNs class (SANS Sec502)
teaches all the pieces required to properly secure a network and keep it
secure in today's incredibly hostile environment. Decoding IP packets,
firewalls, intrusion detection, centralized logging and alerting, VPNs,
auditing, and network design are all covered in depth, using real-world
examples to illustrate the practical knowledge.
In addition the course prepares you for the GIAC Certified Firewalls
Analyst Certification
<> . The optional
certification is targeted for any individuals responsible for designing,
implementing, configuring, and monitoring a secure perimeter for any
organization; including routers, firewalls, VPNs/remote access, and
overall network design. GIAC Certified Firewall Analysts (GCFWs) have
the knowledge, skills, and abilities to design, configure, and monitor
routers, firewalls, and perimeter defense systems.
SANS is the most trusted and by far the largest source for information
security training and certification in the world. The SANS Institute was
established in 1989 as a cooperative research and education
organization. Its programs now reach more than 165,000 security
professionals, auditors, system administrators, network administrators,
chief information security officers, and CIOs who share the lessons they
are learning and jointly find solutions to the challenges they face.
Special discounts are available for faculty or staff members from any
accredited EDU (K-12, Community College, Higher Education), Law
Enforcement at the state and local level and state employees. More
information and registration information is available at <> .
[View Less]
Basically, VMWare images of IPCop for experimentation.
" You can now test your preferred firewall system without a dedicated
system, using a VMWare community-built appliance. You can find it here :
IPCop under VMWare .
You can use it with the free VMWare …
[View More]Player or VMWare server softwares.
This virtual appliance includes the following softwares :
- urlfilter : The URL filter add-on for IPCop
- advproxy : The Advanced Web Proxy add-on for IPCop
- cre: Classroom Extensions for the Advanced Proxy add-on
- calamaris : Calamaris Proxy Report Generator add-on
[View Less]
Those not interested, delete now; others read on.
Umm, first off, this does not appear to be religious in nature, so what
was the point of bringing this up? So you thought Michael Moore was a
nut-job? This guy is just as far out there in my opinion. I like how
he blocks out the sound of what is really going on to blather on and on
about a police state.
Sounds like he is saying that someone in our government purposely let
more than 3000 people get killed, just to have an excuse to go to …
[View More]war.
I find that highly suspect.
What I can tell you is that I personally noticed several years before
9-11-01, that certain access points were completely ignored by security,
other than having a card-key door. I witnessed several people,
apparently baggage handlers and pilots, going thru side doors in the
airport at KMCI, St. Louis, Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, LAX,
Chicago-O'Hare, Ft. Meyer's, Dallas and at least a couple others. That
is EVERY airport I've been in. If anyone LET this happen, it was the
airlines and the airport facilities management staff and their lax
security procedures. Years before 9-11-01 we had Die Hard and Die Hard
2 and Nelson DeMille's "The Lion's Game"
That said, you can't guard against or plan for every eventuality. It is
impossible. Just like when trying to make something idiot-proof, the
universe comes up with a better idiot. Try to make someplace
theft-proof or terror-proof and a more creative thief or terrorist will
rise up. Witness the shoe-bomber. Who would have ever thought of
putting a bomb in your shoe. None of us in our right minds can imagine
the lengths that someone would go to in order to harm others for no real
solid gain. I would say that at some point they will give up on trying
to hurt people, but in my opinion, they are crazy and will never give up
and try to live in a society built on compromise.
From: On Behalf Of Arthur Pemberton
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:49 AM
Hello fellow luggers,
I cannot say that I know you guys very much at all. I am aware
that there are both Christians and non Christians here. Those that claim
not to be Christians also claim to be very objective, which one cannot
deny to be a good thing.
With this in mind, I would like you all to give your opinion on
this video documentary that I have come across by chance. For all
intents and purposes I think it is safe to give this an MPAA Rating of
at least R. But I assume everyone on this list to be adults.
I am not attempting to start any flaming, I just feel that it is
my duty to pass this on to others:
Here is the link, the first is to the original link from which I
got it, the second is to a copy I made to my own site:
Thank you for your time
As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with
[View Less]
I would like to send a job description for a Sr. Unix System
Administrator opening to the list. Adknowledge is a dynamic, innovative
internet advertising firm in the midst of rapid growth. Here is the job
description with position requirements. Interested parties should send
a resume to kgibbar(a)
Adknowledge's Senior Systems Administrator will be charged with:
* General, senior-level systems administration functions for …
[View More]Linux
Redhat 9.
* Establishing and managing network hardware, including BigIPs,
and Ironport email delivery systems.
* Establishing and managing development environments for software
engineers, including creation of environments and installation of
* Establishing and monitoring backup and recovery systems.
* Being "on-call," 24/7, to respond immediately to any system
failures, within a rotating schedule.
We are seeking a senior level, hands-on professional with the following
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related discipline.
* 5+ years of system administration experience on a Unix
* 3+ years of experience with Perl or shell scripting.
* 2+ years experience building and managing load-balanced web
server clusters with Apache, PHP, and Virtual Hosting.
* 2+ years experience with backup and recovery at an
enterprise-level, including tar, afio, ssh, and scp.
* 2+ years of disk management experience with Solaris LVM, Disk
Suite, or Linux LVM.
* 2+ years experience of building, managing, and responding to
monitoring systems measuring critical system performance.
* General familiarity with DNS, SMTP, routing protocols (BGP,
OSPF, GRE), transfer (SSH, SCP, Rsync).
Kristin M. Gibbar
Director of Talent Management
Human Resources
: 816-777-1185
: 816-588-1859
kgibbar(a) <>
Adknowledge, Inc.
4600 Madison
Tenth Floor
Kansas City, MO 64112
[View Less]
My church social group would like to send everyone on
a camping trip in May. The problem is that not
everyone has a camping tent to sleep in, and there are
financial issues preventing some of them from getting
a tent on their own.
If anyone has a good used tent they'd like to get rid
of for free, please contact me off-list. We can come
pick it up anywhere in the Greater Kansas City Metro
Area, and someone can pick up a tent from Lawrence if
necessary. And if anyone knows a place where one …
[View More]can
find tents for $20 or less (two person dome-style is
fine), this would be nice too.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
[View Less]
Hello KCLUG,
I purchased this iMac about a month ago, but have since realized that it
was a want, not a need, so I am seeking to sell it.
It's completely stock with the basic specs in the Subject line; the
complete specs may be found at:
You may go to or another website to order RAM if you wish to
upgrade it; depending on how you intend to use the computer, it could
stand to have some more RAM.
The machine is in great condition; the …
[View More]screen has some dust and the
non-screen part of the case has my fingerprints on it (I can clean it
with a microfiber cloth if you'd like). I did not unwrap the keyboard or
the mouse, since I had my own, so those are in perfect condition.
I also did not purchase AppleCare. It has something like 11 months of
limited warranty left.
I will reinstall the base OS so that it boots into Apple's first boot
setup mode.
I am asking for $1150 OBO. Please email me personally at
imac(a), not the list.
Alternatively, if you have any suggestions on where I might sell it
locally, I'd love to hear from you - I'm trying KULUA and KCLUG.
Cory Bosley
[View Less]