God I hate doing this, but it's for my job. I need to add a .msc file
to the standard Windows Management console, the mmc. This .msc file is
a part of a program I'm working with and it adds some monitoring
functionality to the standard mmc console. I know how to make a new,
custom console and save it, etc. What I need is the command, if one
exists, to add the .msc into the "compmgmt.msc" under the "Services and
Applications" subheading, "services.msc". If I have a single command or
series …
[View More]of commands, I can add this to my install script. The docs on
MMC.exe are a little light and non-existent AFAICT in what I
specifically want to do.
This is giving me a headache.
[View Less]
Hate to say it, but I know someone that used to work there and a few in
upper mgmt have zero ethics. Has to do with software and competitor
information. Nuff said. If you go work there, watch your ass. If you
say anything about ethics or question the legality of some move by them,
better have your resume ready. Just a friendly warning.
I never do this, but this time it's necessary. This email is
confidential, does not reflect the views or opinions of my employer.
It's simply me …
[View More]trying to be nice about some dirty laundry I know about.
Choose to believe it or not as the case may be.
-----Original Message-----
From: kclug-bounces(a)kclug.org [mailto:kclug-bounces@kclug.org]
On Behalf Of Paul Taylor
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:45 AM
To: List - KCLUG
Subject: OT: Open position, do you know someone?
If anyone is interested. Someone I know sent this to me. Perfect
job to infiltrate then encourage them to be open source fans!
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. - Kansas City
[View Less]
Articles of interest to LUG members:
"ATA over Ethernet" is a summary of a protocol that makes fibre-channel look
no longer pareto-efficient. Being unrouted, it would not be appropriate for
use in large LTSP installations to serve node hard drives. ENDB
probably would though.
"puppy linux" is a *multi-session* live cd, that writes changes back
to itself. This is
exactly the thing that Oren needs to create the self-contained backup
and recovery
system on a single CD that he used to go on …
[View More]and on and on and on about.
David L Nicol
Like a bird on a wire,
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.
[View Less]
I finished my BitTorrent download this afternoon, so
I'm going to be a Project Gutenberg DVD seeder for
awhile now.
9400+ books. Wow.
--- djgoku <djgoku(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/10/05, Leo Mauler <webgiant(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Just wanted to mention this here as I proofread
> pages
> > of expired-copyright books for them.
> Thanks, downloading now 1/3 done in an hour isn't
> bad =). They still
> have about 700-800 more MB before hit single …
[View More]layer
> dvd =).
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
[View Less]
Just wanted to mention this here as I proofread pages
of expired-copyright books for them.
Project Gutenberg is making its massive collection of
plaintext e-books available in CD and DVD images. The
latest CD image is "Best Of August 2003"; the DVD
covers all of Project Gutenberg from the very
beginning to December 2003 (3.85GB).
You can download the image yourself, get it through a
slightly safer checksum source like BitTorrent, or
even have an overworked volunteer mail you a CD/DVD.
With …
[View More]its error-checking options they prefer P2P
networks, and they're encouraging BitTorrent right now
The DVD is a treasure trove with over 9400 e-books on
it (mine will be all together on my hard drive in
about two days).
I took a humanities course this past spring semester,
and it was not only a lifesaver for material, it saved
me a bit of money on some of the books required for
the class.
Do you Yahoo!?
Make Yahoo! your home page
[View Less]
Hi everyone...
This email could be of interest to people interested in the
Perl programming language. I know that in Toronto there is a
good-sized overlap between Linux people and Perl people (we
occasionally hold "joint sessions" of our user group meetings)
so we hoped to share this information with Linux folks more widely.
There have been some recent developments on the YAPC::NA front,
and it has been suggested to us that a reminder might be helpful
to some people, so here's a quick …
[View More]summary of the event.
YAPC::NA 2005 (Yet Another Perl Conference, North America)
in Toronto, Canada, Monday - Wednesday 27 - 29 June, 2005
Home page: http://yapc.org/America/
Conference Location: http://89chestnut.com/
A facility of the University of Toronto
Normally registration information would come first, but
accommodations are the bottleneck -- our main group reservation
(at the conference hotel) expires at the end of the week, and as
the conference approaches it will be extremely difficult to find
a hotel anywhere in the city.
Info on how to book at:
Register now! :-) We are on track to break attendance records
at YAPC::NA this year, and we could even sell out before the
conference starts. The price for the full 3 days is USD$85.
We keep it insanely low through many generous sponsorships
and the all-volunteer organizational and speaking crews.
Registration info: http://yapc.org/America/register-2005.shtml
Direct registration link:
Conference Speaking Schedule
We've got an excellent selection of talks and speakers for Perl
programmers of all levels, beginner through expert. We are
fortunate enough to have presentations coming from some of the
most recognizable names in Perl programming today, including
Larry Wall, Chip Salzenberg, Dan Sugalski, Autrijus Tang and
brian d foy.
Summary -- http://yapc.org/America/schedule-2005/summary.html
Day 1 -- http://yapc.org/America/schedule-2005/day1.html
Day 2 -- http://yapc.org/America/schedule-2005/day2.html
Day 3 -- http://yapc.org/America/schedule-2005/day3.html
Lightning Talks
These short (5 minutes each) talks, presented by the conference
attendees, are a YAPC tradition. If you're interested please
read more about them and sign up:
[ This message was sent by Gerard Lim <glim(a)mycybernet.net> on
behalf of the YAPC::NA 2005 Conference organizing committee
of the Toronto Perl Mongers. Thanks for your patience and
support. ]
[View Less]
> Help!
> I know I must be doing something wrong.
> Can anyone show me a sample of how to create a pull
> down
> menu over a graphic image in a table data column. I
> prefer a javascript or php solution, but I'll take
> perl or whatever. I thought I had it, but it's not
> working.
> It needs to disappear when not activated and appear
> when a mouseover or click event happens. I've wracked
> my brain on this and tried many 'menu code samples' to
> no …
[View More]avail.
> Brian D.
Be more precise: are you looking for a menu that
appears when you mouseover a TD cell? Where does it
It sounds like the following example might work for
you if you just need a rich tooltip kind of thing
http://www.dyn-web.com/dhtml/tooltips/hover-tip.htmlhttp://surguy.net/menu/index.html or
for CSS-only menus if that helps; you can hack this
kind of code to make it work only over a certain
<TD> cell.
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