-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Leo Mauler <webgiant(a)yahoo.com>
> To: brad(a)bradandkim.net, kclug(a)kclug.org
> Subject: Re: Linux Certification
> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:27:10 -0700 (PDT)
> Is there the MidWesterner "catch" to the RHCE/RHCT
> test still, that one must pick a coast to travel to,
> in order to take either test?
> Or is there a more local testing center for the
> I know that you can take CompTIA's "…
[View More]Linux+" test here
> at the Prometric Testing Center in Lenexa, having
> taken and passed said certification, but its a written
> test and thus unlikely to get the same prestige as the
> RHCE/RHCT test.
They offer the test in Lenexa at least once a year, usually twice I
believe. It's on Monrovia or Rosehill just south of 87th in Lenexa. If
you don't get that one you will be going to St Louis, Minneapolis,
Denver, Chicago or somewhere not too far away.
[View Less]
--- Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> ... A recent article in one of the print mags I get
> LJ, LM, or SysAdmin -
> noted the horrible results of opening a vanilla MS
> Word doc in OO, saving
> the "changes", then re-opening it in Word.
> Formatting disaster would be
> polite.
How recent? I have to disagree with this statement. I
can only assume the writer of the article didn't know
what he was doing. I have no problems with plain
vanilla Word docs. I do have …
[View More]trouble with Word
retaining the update link capability between table of
contents on docs created in OO, but rarely do I have a
formatting disaster going either way.
Brian D.
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I have a question for the CS majors ;)
Has anyone ever seen any writing on the idea of caching the different
captcha images, manually decoding them and storing the "meaning" of
the captcha in a database. Then cross referencing the "meaning" of
the captcha with the image filename. That way you would have the
ability to have a bot load a page/service protected by a captcha, read
the image filename, and decode the captcha.
[View More]Is this a valid idea?
[View Less]
The new beta also provides for a database front end. The features page
for the beta suggests that OO.org always had a db tool, but only now
have they begun work making it more visible and public. But more
related to the thread is their WordPerfect filter. A good description
Basically, they say right now it can import most WP documents but they
don't have an export filter yet. Seeing as how I don't own WP I can't
very easily test that feature for …
[View More]accuracy, but the mailing list (the
parts that work anyways) seem to imply that it isn't perfect yet, but
then this is a beta, after all.
Justin Dugger
> Whats interesting is that the Linux version of Adabas
> was released along with StarOffice 5.1 and 5.2, so if
> you put up with the StarOffice desktop you could have
> a database application as part of the suite for free.
> I don't know if OpenOffice.org has added a database
> app yet. I doubt it, the assumption seems to be that
> MySQL is easier to learn than it is. :(
[View Less]
Jim, I must apologise, looking through all of my named config files I can't
find one that has "@TTL" in it. I just mis-read something.
What I do have is a couple of files that don't have the $TTL declaration as
the first line, but begin with the "@ A IN SOA..." line and no preceeding
The only problems I have are with some of the dynamic DNS addresses, and for
some reason with all of the speedera.net addresses like www.nasa.gov, which
always come back unknown.
I remember the Linux Corel WordPerfect app. I filled
out a registration form for a free copy once. It
worked fairly well but by then I had been corrupted by
WordPad into only liking M$ Office-like word
processing applications.
Then StarDivision came out with a free version of
StarOffice 5.0 and I never looked back. :) Linux
StarOffice 5.1 installed into 120MB fairly
comfortably, perfect for that first laptop with the
500MB hard drive.
To those who don't know the history: StarDivision, a
[View More]German company I believe, made StarOffice first, a
very close Microsoft Office clone. Then they released
a proprietary Linux version, and made it free to test
the waters. Then StarDivision was acquired by Sun
Corporation. Sun made the source code for nearly all
of StarOffice into Open Source (excluding the very
proprietary Adabas database software) and
OpenOffice.org was born.
Whats interesting is that the Linux version of Adabas
was released along with StarOffice 5.1 and 5.2, so if
you put up with the StarOffice desktop you could have
a database application as part of the suite for free.
I don't know if OpenOffice.org has added a database
app yet. I doubt it, the assumption seems to be that
MySQL is easier to learn than it is. :(
--- Jack <quiet_celt(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well H E Double Hockey Sticks! It's about time!
> ;')
> I've also heard that there is and has been a Linux
> native version of WP for some time. I haven't used
> it in a while. I have an older registered and
> commercial version around somewhere. I found it
> worked ok. Don't remember if I had any complaints
> or speed issues, it's been that many years.
> Brian D.
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On Sat, April 16, 2005 2:56 pm, Tim reid said:
>> I hate to say it, but a friend of mine spent two years wrestling with
>> Fedora trying to get several PCI modems to work, and ended up giving up
>> on
>> Linux because of it.
> I know that you asked for a PCI modem, but would ISA work? I've had
> luck with the little bit of ISA Zoom modems that I've worked with.
Wasn't me, Tim, somebody else on the list.
ISA's work better because they don't usually require …
[View More]drivers, they appear
as a serial port on the ISA bus, but a lot of motherboards don't have ISA
slots any more.
[View Less]
ip_conntrack_ftp is a kernel module, but I'm not sure if it is on my firewall or not. A person could just check "lsmod" to see if it is loaded or "modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp" to initiate. Where in the kernel options is the support for this module? Under networking perhaps?
Brian Kelsay
>>> Brad <> 04/15/05 10:58AM >>>
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the simple firewall rules
> posted earlier would effectively break ftp. Wouldn't
> the unpriviledged ports …
[View More]also be blocked? Wouldn't you
> need to specifically allow the unpriviledged ports for
> either active or passive ftp? Wouldn't you need to
> allow outbound ports also? I don't remember all the
> rules posted, but I would think that the default rule
> would be to drop inbound and outbound unused ports.
> Brian D.
The default policy for the Output chain is usually ACCEPT, so there is
no need to open outbound ports specifically. The ACCEPT statement on
the ESTABLISHED,RELATED line will allow connections to the unprivileged
ports since they are related to the connection on port 21. I believe
ip_conntrack_ftp helps with this.
[View Less]
--- Brad wrote:
> The default policy for the Output chain is usually
> ACCEPT, so there is
> no need to open outbound ports specifically. The
> ACCEPT statement on
> the ESTABLISHED,RELATED line will allow connections
> to the unprivileged
> ports since they are related to the connection on
> port 21. I believe
> ip_conntrack_ftp helps with this.
Right, I wnet back and looked at Chris's post. I
thought he set in and out to default to drop. Which he
[View More]t.
Thanks for clarifying the ESTABLISHED,RELATED context.
I've wondered about that before. So you can that way
on a server, not open the unpriviledged ports
globally, but allow each connection to open those
ports. That's much better.
Brian D.
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